Two projects realized by Inspiration Products from Zwolle Netherlands.
Project 1: (first two photos)
Lighting up the Dominicanenklooster (Dominican monastery) in Zwolle.
Used are:
12x beamZ 270Z Outdoor Wash Zoom fixtures
Project 2: (Last 3 photos)
Insite and outside Illumination of the Hanzestrohm building in Zwolle
Used for outdoors are:
1x beamZ LF3000 Low Fogger
12x beamZ 270Z Outdoor Wash Zoom fixtures
8 x beamZ StarColor72 Outdoor LED Flood Light
Used for indoors are:
24 x beamZ StarColor72 Outdoor LED Flood Light
36x beamZ LCB155 LED Bar Pixel Control
32x beamZ BBP94W Battery Uplight Par
8x beamZ BTF50 Theatre Spot